The Feeling of Home in South Luangwa, Zambia

Honestly? Of all the places in the world that I wanted to visit, Zambia and Africa in general was never on my list. But when Carol invited me to join her in 2014, I thought, “Sure. Why not?” So, we hopped on the plane (remember the days when we could hop on a plane?) and after a long journey, ended up at the tiny airport in Mfuwe in the South Luangwa valley.

And as soon as my feet touched the ground, I knew I was home.

I don’t mean “home” as in everything felt familiar to me. It didn’t. The culture, the landscape, the amazing animals that roamed freely—all was so foreign to me. But I felt a sense of peace and “origin” that I’ve never felt before. What might have felt uncomfortable or even scary back home felt so natural and “right” in this place.

The first night at our lodge, vervet monkeys played their version of soccer on the tin roof above me. I heard loud grunts and snorts that I later learned were hippos in the river nearby. In the middle of the night, I peeked out of my window to see two elephants munching on a shrub just a few yards away.

And again, I felt like I was home.

I’ve been back to South Luangwa twice since then and hope to return again. It’s not just about the stunning sunsets and lovely sunrises, or the wonderful dedicated people working to protect precious wildlife, or the beautiful children so eager to learn, or the experience of being with the animals in their natural habitat up close and personal. Of course, it’s all of those things.

And for me, it’s also that indescribable experience that I’ve heard others mention as well, the feeling (no matter how illogical it seems) that South Luangwa is truly home.

If you are interested to experience the feeling for yourself check out more information the Africa Hope Fund volunteer trips.

Carol Van Brugen