Africa Hope Fund

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All female scout team takes 1st place at the Wildlife Ranger Challenge!

Congratulations to Conservation South Luangwa's Atsikana (women) team, who won the women's Wildlife Ranger 21km Challenge last month!

The Wildlife Ranger Challenge started back in 2020 as a response to Covid, with the goal of keeping wildlife rangers employed, but has sense grown into an annual celebration for the ranger profession, to celebrate what they do, while also raising funds for conservation efforts.

A team of four determined, strong women ran the distance in two hours and 45 minutes. They ran on sand and across other demanding terrain whilst carrying backpacks weighing 10kg (22kg for men). To help them win the main event, the women's team trained every Saturday with Conservation South Luangwa's Law Enforcement Advisor, Benson Kanyembo. In the build-up to race day, they also tested their physical and mental capabilities by taking part in the Wildlife Ranger Challenge quiz, push-up and sit-up challenges. The women were awarded second place in the push-up challenge, achieving 87 push-ups in two minutes. Conservation South Luangwa's Azibambo (men) team also performed well, achieving third place in the quiz and sixth place in the 21km run with a time of two hours and 28 minutes. Well done to both teams!

Photo credit: Mjose Jozie