Africa Hope Fund

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Curious about Christmas in Africa? Celebrate the Season, Zambian Style!

Locals in the South Luangwa Valley in Zambia and those who travel to the African nation would likely all agree … Christmastime is indeed the most wonderful time of the year! 

The holiday falls during the summer in Zambia, which is also the country’s official rainy season. Scattered showers cool off the hot days and brighten the landscape, making it lush and green. 

Going to church is an important part of Christmas in Zambia, where more than 96% of the population is Christian. After church, families and friends gather for a memorable Christmas meal complete with song and dance. In Zambia, locals and tourists often gather together in celebration. 

Animals roam around in the background enjoying the warm season, and the sightings of elephants, giraffes, hippos and birds brighten everyone’s holiday spirit even more.    

Then comes one of the best traditions: A visit from Santa for the children! Few celebrations take place without someone arriving in a Santa Claus costume to say hello, take photos and brighten the day even more. 

Africa Hope Fund CEO Carol Van Bruggen recalls her first Christmas in Zambia in 2008.

“We joined the community for a gathering of song and food (mostly Nshima, the local staple) on Christmas morning on a bridge over the Luangwa river. Below us on the river banks were elephants, hippos and crocodiles lazing in the sun. Everyone brought local baked goods and wore bright Chitenjes, which are wraps made of bright African prints. The songs were upbeat African Christmas songs, and everyone danced.” 

Very few gifts are given for Christmas in Zambia unless they are made by hand, because not many people have the means to purchase commercial items. 

“But the true meaning of Christmas is on display,” Carol said. “It is a wonderful place to spend a Christmas if you ever want a different type of holiday experience.”

Christmas in Zambia is one of the most joyful times of the year for everyone, especially when the South Luangwa Valley’s natural beauty is at its most spectacular and the spirit of Christmas shines brightly.

Photo credit:

Bush Camp Company

Robin Pope Safaris

Ed Selfe Photo Safaris