Africa Hope Fund

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The Wild Carnivores of Zambia

Wild Dogs, Hyenas, Lions, And Other Carnivores In Zambia

Zambian Carnivore Programme’s (ZCP) Thandiwe Mweetwa who grew up in Mfuwe Village and earned her master’s degree in Arizona in wildlife management likes wild dogs the best of all the animals they research in Zambia.

 Thandiwe says that unlike other species (outside of elephants), they take care of their own. If a wild dog is injured or ill, others will bring it food to help it recover. They are also very playful and seem to have a good sense of humor. Researchers enjoy watching them.

ZCP works across three species and the ecosystems in which they reside for one of Africa’s most wildlife-rich places. They are 100% field-based, working out of three basic research camps, across Zambia in the South Luangwa Valley, Kafue National Park, and Liuwa National Park. Kafue and Liuwa ecosystems are west of Lusaka, which is nine hours away on the Great Road.

The South Luangwa Valley has Zambia’s largest lion population and second-largest wild dog population in Africa. Liuwa contains recovering populations of all carnivores along with cheetahs and wild dogs, and Kafue contains Zambia’s largest populations of wild dogs and cheetah and second largest lion populations.

They also work with hyenas and leopards. ZCP conservation areas include: anti-snaring, reducing disease transmission to wild populations, monitoring and mitigating human-carnivore conflict, and species introduction.  ZCP helped sourced and introduce lions into Zambia when the Liuwa Plain was down to one older female to create the first pride in Liuwa in more than a decade. Your donations to Africa Hope Fund help support ZCP.


Written by Patricia Cole

An Africa Hope Fund board member for 7 years, Pat is a writer and a conservation activist. After traveling to Zambia, she became dedicated to helping Africa Hope Fund provide education to the next generation of Africans and ensure their future by protecting wildlife. Find Patricia on Facebook and Twitter, or on her websites and

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