Meet our Board Member Benson Kanyembo

Benson joined our board in 2019 and is the Law Enforcement Advisor for one of the conservation organizations Africa Hope Fund has supported for many years. He leads all Conservation South Luangwa anti-poaching law enforcement and wildlife rescue operations both in the field and from his control room in collaboration with Department of National Parks of Zambia.

Benson’s passion for conservation took root at the age of 10 when he witnessed the devastating effects of poaching firsthand. Motivated by this experience, he made a solemn vow to advocate for these vulnerable animals and take tangible action to safeguard their future.

He has devoted 30 years of his working life fighting for and protecting Zambia’s endangered wildlife. His career started in 1994 at the North Luangwa Conservation Project – Zambia, and he has worked for multiple organizations holding positions including a Porter, Village Scout, Community Scout, Wildlife Police Officer, Senior Instructor and Senior Wildlife Police Officer. Between 2003 and 2018 Benson helped train close to 1000 rangers in Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. He joined Conservation South Luangwa as Operations Manager in 2009, and in 2018 was promoted as Law Enforcement Advisor; leading all CSL anti-poaching law enforcement and wildlife rescue operations.

His efforts have been recognized as the winner of the 2019 TUSK Wildlife Ranger Awards, the 2020 Paradise International Foundation's African Ranger Awards, and 1st runner up for the Best Game Ranger in the 2020 Rhino Conservation Awards. He is currently the Southern African Region representative of the Game Ranger Association of Africa.

Sadly, Benson’s wife died over a year ago. He is now an active single dad to his 4 year old son, and his commitment to conservation is second only to his commitment to raising his son to be a confident and loving young man.

Thank you for being on our board Benson. You are a vital part of our mission.

Amber Salmon